The KUbernetes Test TooL (kuttl)
Focus on your tests …
The KUbernetes Test TooL (KUTTL) is a highly productive toolkit for writing tests against Kubernetes operators and controllers.… not on testing challenges
Using KUTTL you can test Kubernetes applications, controllers and operators in a cluster environment, using YAML the way you already know.Testing Safety Net
All software targeted for production use needs to have tests, and ever changing distributed cluster environments amplify that need. KUTTL accelerates the ability to create end-to-end testing in a kubernetes environment.# What is KUTTL?
The KUbernetes Test TooL (KUTTL) is a toolkit that makes it easy to test Kubernetes Operators (opens new window), just using YAML.
It provides a way to inject an operator (subject under test) during the TestSuite setup and allows tests to be standard YAML files. Test assertions are often partial YAML documents which assert the state defined is true.
It is also possible to have KUTTL automate the setup of a cluster.
# KUTTL is for you if...
You are an application administrator who wants to automate the creation of a new Kubernetes environment.
You are a developer who wants an easy way to test Operators, without writing Go.
You are developer or QA and you want to test different combinations of Kubernetes applications (Helm, KUDO, Operator SDK operators).
You want to test Kubernetes applications on multiple versions of Kubernetes.
$ brew tap kudobuilder/tap
$ brew install kuttl-cli
$ kubectl kuttl version
It's insanely easy to get started with KUTTL - follow this handy guide!
# Join the KUDO Community
Get started with KUTTL today, join the KUDO community (opens new window), and test your next operator with KUTTL!
You can find more talks, tutorials, and events on the KUDO community page (opens new window).